Educational Guided Walks

  Educational Walks for Colleges  

We have often provided a series of walks for american colleges in London - customised to their course of study. We can either provide a single walk as introduction to London or can set up a programme specifically for the group. Please ring Kevin Flude (020 8 806 3742 to discuss details) or email him.

Here is what Clifton Hood, Hobart and William Smith Colleges wrote:

'I also wanted us to get out of the classroom and see London at first-hand. Through contacts at the Museum of London, I met an historian named Kevin Flude who took us on six walking tours: Roman London; medieval London; Civil War, the Plague, and the Great Fire; Dickens’ London; Chelsea; and South Kensington. Flude was a real find -- he combined a great enthusiasm for London, a thorough knowledge of its history, an ability to navigate crowded streets with a slew of out-of-towners in tow, and a genuine interest in the students.'



starting at tower of London and tracing the myths, legends and the archaeological facts and opinions behind the Roman Conquest.


On this walks we explore the effect on Dickens of his early experiences in London. . It was in the Marshelsea that Dickens' Father was imprisoned for debt. The young Dickens was left to fend for himself while the rest of his family lived with his father in London's infamous debtors' prison. The events of these few months engraved themselves on Dickens' psyche and were filtered into his fiction in the forms of Mr Micawber and Mr Dorrit. The local area also provides a wealth of Victorian remains which allow the exploration of the reality of Dickens London - the workhouse, the Ragged School, the model housing, factories, markets, and slum housing.


In 1381, following the introduction of the iniquitous Poll Tax, England's government nearly fell, shaken to the core by a revolt lead by simple working men. On this dramatic guided tour we follow the Peasants from Aldgate, as they take control of the City of London, to Smithfield where Wat Tyler confronts the young King Richard II.


starting at Monument, and tracing the course of the Fire of London from Pudding Lane to Cock Lane - its traditional ending point. We look at life in Tudor and Stuart London contrasting the pre-fire City with the new City which rose from the ashes - we visit Wren's St Stephen's (free), and the Guildhall (free). Can be combined with visit to Museum of London.


starting at St Pauls, and ending at the Smithfield, we tour Medieval London visiting St Bartholemew's Monastery, the Guildhall (free), and the crypt of St Mary-le-Bow.

For a complete list of guided walks


We like as much notice as possible but can usually provide a walk at short notice if necessary. To proceed we need the title of the walk you require, the date, time and starting point, and an approximate idea of how many people will attend. It helps if you can also give a profile of the interests and age of your group, and how you want to fit the walk into the course programme.

For Further Details Ring:

Kevin Flude on 020 8 806 3742, or write to Kevin Flude 249 Evering Road, London E5 8AL. Email

School Walks

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Next Guided Walks:

Next walks for London Walks are:

Jane Austen's London Pub Tour 4 May 7.15pm Green Park Underground

Pub Crawl up the River Fleet on May 18
London Bridge to Bermondsey on July 13
The Archaeology of London Bridge on July 14
Roman Archaeology and Culture on Aug. 3
Chelsea on Sept. 28
Decline and Fall of Roman London on Sept. 28
Myths and Legends and the Origins of London on Oct. 5City Backstreets on Oct. 5
The City and the Blitz on November 23


Four Humours of Shakespeare

Latest Publication

The Four Humours of Shakespeare by Kevin Flude





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