Kevin's Blog | Kevin Flude |
On the Web Cam |
Kevin main interests are narrative and London - the history, museums, literary history and archaeology of London. He has worked in the Museum world since 1976 including for the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, Keble College, Museum of London, Victoria and Albert Museum, Museum of Garden History, Brunel Engine House, Old Operating Theatre Museum. He is or has lectured at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, UCL, University of Westminster, University of Worcester and is Course Director for the Road Scholar programme in London. He gives occasional walks for London Walks. Kevin's first real job was at the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, where he worked as an Archaeomagnetist and had 3 papers published in Nature. He then worked as a archaeologist including at the Museum of London (1977-84). He was an Assistant Keeper at the Victoria and Albert Museum between 1984-1987. Since 1987 Kevin has worked freelance as a consultant in many museums, lecturing on the museums, history and archaeology of London and directed the transformation of the Old Operating Theatre Museum from 1987 to 2014. Then as Creative Director before leaving the museum. He has been proprietor of 'And Did Those Feet' (Cultural Heritage Resources) since 1982. It has allowed him the opportunity of a diverse working life. He is currently Associate Lecturer at the Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, at Worcester University, and at the University of Westminster He is a past honorary lecturer at University College London (UCL). He is Course Director for the Road Scholar programme in London which is a not-for-profit organisatin which for which Kevin organises study tours. lectures and walks on the history, archaeology, architecture and literature of London (and elsewhere). Kevin passed his Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching In Higher Education at CLTAD at the University of the Arts, London in 2007. Kevin managed the Old Operating Theatre Museum from 1988 to 2014. The Museum won the 2007 Museum and Heritage Award for excellence in the Best Project on a Limited budget category. He is part of the course team that created the innovative MA 'Creative Practice in Narrative Environments' at Central Saint Martins. Kevin has written several books, web sites and interactive discs including: Flude, Kevin 'The Four Humours of Shakespeare',, 2014, ISBN: 9781785102134 To buy click here Flude, Kevin 'In Their Own Words - A Literary Companion To The Origins Of London' D A Horizons, 2009. To buy click here Flude, Kevin 'Divorced, Beheaded, Died ...the History Of Britain's Kings And Queen' Michael O'mara Books, 2009 To buy click here Flude, Kevin 'Citisights Guide To London' Virgin Books, 1990 To buy click here Further DetailsHe is a member of the Chartered Institute of Archaeologists (1985), the Association for Heritage Interpretation (2006) and, occassionally, a member of the Writers Guild. He was a founding committee member of the London Museum's Group, and a member of the Renaissance Hub Program management group. He has also been a member of the Institute of Information Scientists; chair of AMSSEE's documentation Panel for 3 years; director of Southwark Heritage; member of the steering committee for the Pool of London Business Improvement District; chair of the London Museums of Health and Medicine; a member of the London Museums Hub Advisory Committee and a mentor for the Museum Association's AMA scheme, Educated at Woking Grammar School, he attended University at Leicester where he studied Archaeology and Ancient History. He worked as an archaeomagnetist for the Reseach Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, Oxford between 1975 and 1977, co-authoring several papers published in Nature. He then moved to London to work as an archaeologist at the Museum of London. Here he began a PhD in Computer Applications in Archaeology when the subject was in its infancy. The PhD at Birkbeck College and UCL was never finished partly because it was overtaken by technological change. Kevin introduced Computers to the Museum of London and then moved to the Victoria and Albert Museum with the rank of Assistant Keeper. Following an offer to write a series of interactive City histories, Kevin went freelance running both Cultural Heritage Resources and Cultural Heritage Information Consultants. The former dealing with Study Tours and Museum Management and the later with Information Technology and Museums. Archaeological Experience:Kevin has excavated widely in Britain and Europe, including Neuchatel, Switzerland and Ferrara, Italy. In Britain he excavated at Petter's Field, Egham, Spong Hill, Grendon, Holme Pierpoint, Nottingham, Oxford and extensively in London. He lectures on museum studies, archaeology and the history of London. Museum Experience:Kevin has worked for Museums since 1977. Museum of London (77-84) V&A (84-87), as a consultant (87-07), and has directed the transformation of the Old Operating Theatre Museum since 1992. Between 1998 and the end of 2001 Kevin managed the Brunel Engine House, and between 1997 and 2000 looked after the collection at the Museum of Garden History. He lectures on Museum Studies (see below). Consultancy:Kevin Flude has provided professional museum consultancy in Information Technology, documentation, museum management, feasibility studies, cataloguing and project management. With Bryan Alvey Kevin has acted as consultant to the Museums and Galleries Commision, and the South Eastern Museums Service. Clients have included: Lecturing:He is currently an Associate lecturer at Central St Martins College of Art and Design, and was part of the course team that created the innovative 'Creative Practice in Narrative Environments'. He is a visiting lecturer at University College Worcester where he lectures on Museum Studies and lectures on public history at the summer International School at Westminster University. He has been a honorary lecturer at University College, London, |
Anddidthosefeet - my blog click here Demonstrating 19th Century Surgery at the Old Operating Theatre Museum Central St Martin's Students Kevin and road scholar travellers
Lecturing Details | ||
Kevin Flude lectured on the history and archaeology of London from 1982 for the LSE Elderhostel programme at Rosebery Hall. In 1992 he became Course Director and has continued organising courses for Road Scholar ( renamed from Elderhostel). The following are the courses (of one week duration or more) he has given:
In addition to the above courses Kevin has given individual lectures on:
Kevin has given walks and tours for the above topics and:
He has led tours around the above places and in London:
And further abroad:
Web Page Design/Production /ConsultancyKevin has created and/or managed many Museum Web sites and database systems. He introduced the first computers into the Museum of London and the V&A and created the first web sites for the Old Operating Theatre Museum, the Brunel Museum, Royal Bethlem Museum and the Garden Museum. Most of the webs site are now in a box marked 'historical curiosity', although at least some of the text remains in place! Museum of Garden History web site was awarded a Carnegie Award for Innovation in Information Technology. The Old Operating Theatre Museum was Funded by the DfEE. Site uses 360 Degree Panoramas Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives and Museum & European Journeys |
Vox Populi, Vox Dei! | ||
Is anyone still here? ('Dum Spiro, Spero') Congratulations - send me an email to let me know! (it gets sillier from here down). Transmitte me sursum caledoni Sayings that may applyI suspect that my main motto should be 'Ad captandum vulgus - 'I'd prefer to think it was 'Carpe Diem' but I singularly fail to do that most of the time and more likely it is 'Alea iacta est'. As Churchill said: 'Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm'. Ergo, I am a great success. Pet HatesI hate academics who toss in foreign quotations and then don't translate them, but you'll have to take this 'cum grano salis'! FamilyKevin has 2 children, Connie (26) and Hetty (23) - they are my magnum opus and, educationally, have surpassed me. Connie did some fantastically brave work in Uganda trying to stop the horrific sacrifice of children but then went to SOAS, and is now doing an MPhil in Cambridge. Hetty is studying at Glasgow University. The original text here ended with the phrase 'Omnia vincit amor' but from my point of view it hasn' yet. My oldest daughter and I live, pro tempore, in Hackney, in what the Tourist Board call the 'East End'. Ok, 'Mea Culpa':'Vox Populi, Vox Dei!' (the voice of the people is the voice of God) 'Dum Spiro, Spero' (while I breathe, I hope) 'Ad captandum vulgus' (to appeal to the crowd) 'Carpe Diem' (sieze the day) 'Alea iacta est' (the die is cast). 'Cum grano salis' (with a grain of salt) 'Mea Culpa' (my fault) 'Magnum opus' (great work or masterpiece) 'Omnia vincit amor' (Love Conquers All) but does it? 'Pro tempore' (for the time being) Transmitte me sursum caledoni (Beam me up,Scotty). (courtesy of Lucie Follett) |
Museum of London Staff Card (c. 1984) |
Kevin Flude and school friends (from Woking News and Mail) 1974/5. For the full newspaper cutting click here - for a readable pdf of it click here. |