Roman & Early Medieval EnglandThis London-based program focusses on Roman, Early Christian and Dark Age Archaeology in Britain. Lectures explore the legacy of the conquering Romans, the coming of Christianity to England and the treasures of the 'Dark Ages'. Field trips in London will take us to investigate some of the world's most renown antiquities in the Britain Museum and the Museum of London. The course includes Four full-day field trips outside of London will take us to St. Albans, which was an important Roman Town known as Verulamium, with its extensive Roman remains and lavish mosaics; to Fishbourne Palace in Sussex, the largest single Roman building uncovered in Britain, to the ancient cathedral city of Canterbury, one of the most venerated medieval shrines, and to the spar town of Bath, its splendour famous in both the Roman and Georgian periods. We will also enjoy an excursion through the City of London and a visit to Lullingstone Roman villa famous for its early Christian 4th Century Wall Paintings. Extracurricular activities will include a night-time tour of London, a visit to St Martin's-in-the-Fields for a concert (schedule permitting) and a welcome and farewell gathering.
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Book List | ||
KeybooksThe Battle For Gaul, Caesar, Julius (ed Anne & Peter Wiseman). Chatto And Windus Ltd London 1989 Describes Britain in the Prehistoric Period The Isles, Davis, Norman Macmillan, 1999 Great book on Britain's history Citisights Guide To London, Flude, Kevin Author's Choice Press ( ISBN 0-595-18147-3. In Their Own Words , Flude, Kevin Available on-line An Anthology of Quotes from the Celtic, Roman and Dark Ages (photocopied version available) The Atlantic Celts - Ancient People Or Modern Invention?, James, Simon British Museum Press Interesting polemic about Celts Heart Of The City, Rowsome, Peter Museum Of London, 2000 Excavation report that provides a history of London The History Of The Kings Of Britain, Geoffrey Of Monmouth (trans Lewis Thorpe) Penguin Books, 1966 Entertaining & Dubious (?) legends of Britain Guided By A Stone Mason, Thomas Maud I B Taurus Great book to understand Church building Britain And The End Of The Roman Empire, Dark, Ken Tempus 2000 Latest book on the subject -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Archaeogenetics: Dna And The Population Prehistory Of Europe, Renfrew and Boyle, Edited by Oxbow Books 2000. Museum Guides, Various Various Guides to Butser, Fishbourne, Verulamium, Bath etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prehistoric The Celtic World , Cunliffe, Barry Constable And Co 1990 Iron Age Britain , Cunliffe, Barry. English Heritage 1995 Prehistoric London, Merriman, N Museum Of London, 1991 Really the only book on the subject -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roman Gladiators At The Guildhall, Bateman, Nick Museum Of London, 2000 Excavation Report at the Roman Amphitheatre Roman Britain, Branigan, Keith Reader's Digest 1980 Well illustrated Landscape Of Roman Britain, Dark, Ken Sutton Publishing 1998 Roman Villas And The Countryside, De La Bedoyere, Guy English Heritage 1993 The Decline And Fall Of Roman Britain, Faulkner, Neil Tempus 2000 Excellent though he is very much of the anti-Roman camp Literary Sources For Roman Britain, Mann J.C. & Penman R.G. London Association Of Classical Teachers 1978 London City Of The Romans, Merrifield R. Batsford, 1983 The best book on Roman London but out of date Roman Britain, Millet, Martin, English Heritage Roman London, Milne G English Heritage, 1995 Excellent archaeology book Roman London, Perring, D Batsford, 1991 Excellent but not a joy to read Viking Age England, Ricards, J.D. English Heritage 1992 Roman Britain, Scullard H.H Thames And Hudson 1979 The Agricola & The Germania, Tacitus (trans H. Mattingly) Penguin Books, 1948 Great book to introduce the Romans The Annals Of Imperial Rome, Tacitus (Trans Michael Grant). Penguin Books 1956 The Towns Of Roman Britain, Wacher, John
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saxon Arthur's Britain, Alcock, Leslie. Penguin Books 1973 Still the definitive archaeological work Saxon And Norman London, Clark J. Museum Of London, 1989 Museum's guide book The Age Of Arthur, Morris, John. Phillimore 1977 The English Settlements, Myers, J.N.L. Clarendon Press 1986 Archaeology And Language - The Puzzle Of Indo-european Origins, Renfrew, Colin Penguin 1987 An Age Of Tyrants, Snyder, C. Sutton Publishing 1998 Exploring The World Of King Arthur, Snyder, Christopher Thames & Hudson 2000 Anglo-saxon England C500 - 1087' , Stenton, F Oxford University Press, 1986 Saxon London, Vince, A. Batsford, 1990. The only book on the subject really Anglo-saxon England, Welch, Martin Batsford 1992 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiction The Course Of Honour, Davies, Lindsey Arrow 1998 Fictional Bio. of Vespasian's mistress, also writes Falco series I Claudius, Graves, Robert Penguin Based on Tacitus, good read London, Rutherford, Edward Arrow, 1997 Fiction but gives an intro. to history of London |