Guide to the History of London


Buy the Book! Guide to the History of London

There are many books on the history of London, and several books of walking tours around London. But there is only one that provides a history of London by walking tour. Our book, written by founders, Kevin Flude and Paul Herbert, provides an introduction to each period of London's history, a walk for each historic period and a detailed glossary full of fascinating historic details of London's past. The book deals with the origins of London, the archaeology, history and aspects of the literary history of London.

Walks include:

Roman London

Dark Age, Saxon and Viking London

Medieval London

Tudor and Early Stuart London

Great Fire of London

Late Stuart and Georgian London

Victorian London

Modern London


South Kensington

Buy the Book! Guide to the History of London

Buy the Book! Guide to the History of London

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Next Guided Walks:

Next walks for London Walks are:

Jane Austen's London Pub Tour 4 May 7.15pm Green Park Underground

Pub Crawl up the River Fleet on May 18
London Bridge to Bermondsey on July 13
The Archaeology of London Bridge on July 14
Roman Archaeology and Culture on Aug. 3
Chelsea on Sept. 28
Decline and Fall of Roman London on Sept. 28
Myths and Legends and the Origins of London on Oct. 5City Backstreets on Oct. 5
The City and the Blitz on November 23


Four Humours of Shakespeare

Latest Publication

The Four Humours of Shakespeare by Kevin Flude





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