On the twelfth day of Christmas
My true love gave to me
Twelve drummers drumming, Eleven pipers piping, Ten lords a-leaping,
Nine ladies dancing, Eight maids a-milking, Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds, Three French hens, Two turtle-doves
And a partridge in a pear tree.
Twelfth Night
In 1775, William Snooke recorded in his diary, that he sat down to a fine dinner with
‘Mr and Mrs William Clifford and their seven children (and maid), John Fox Snr. and Sally Twining, Mr and Mrs William Fox, and William Weale.’ To feed this crowd took “Ham, Greens, 3 fowls roasted, Soup, Leg of Mutton, potatoes, Boiled rump of beef (large)”
Dessert included pudding, mince pies and a forequarter of home lamb. For supper, the assembled party consumed tarts, stuffed beef, mince pies, cold mutton, oysters, cold sliced beef, cold lamb, apple pies and pears.
This is recorded in a fine Pinterest post about Twelfth Night.
Twelfth Night Celebrations in Southwark
A recent ‘tradition’ for a Tweltfh Night procession has been established on the south side of the River Thames in London. The Lions Part Company begin their entertainments at the rebuilt Globe. The parade has all the traditional mummers characters, including the Green Man, and the Holly Man. They perform the Combat Play of St George. This involves the Old ‘Oss (which is the centre point of the May Day festivities at Padstow in Cornwall. They also have Twelth Night Cakes containing a bean and a pea. These are used to crown the King and Queen of the Day.

Confused by Twelfth Night?
It is of interest that the above meal was on January 6th, not the 5th. So why is there such confusion as to when is twelfth night? I have a suggestion as to the basis for the confusion as to when the Twelve Days of Christmas begin. It would seem perverse to leave Christmas Day out of the Twelve Days of Christmas. So many people start their count on the 25th December. But some folklore sources going back in time count from Boxing Day. For example, Gervase Markham’s ‘The English Husbandman of 1635 counts it from Boxing Day.
The Daily Express reveals to me that the Protestants count from Christmas Day and the Catholics from Boxing Day. That maybe it, but is the confusion more complicated than that? The religious festival really makes sense if it begins with Christmas Day, and ends with the Epiphany. This is the day the Three Kings from the Orient come to worship Jesus. But Epiphany is on the 6th January, which is 13 days from Christmas. 13 days of Christmas would be ill-omened. So two solutions: make the end of the Twelve Days the Eve of Epiphany, i.e. the 5th, or start the 12 days from Boxing Day.
I suspect there is a fudge going on here. Twelve is the magic number, twelve Apostles, 12 months in the year, so twelve Days of Christmas. But clearly, for Christians it stretches from Christmas Day to Epiphany. Two ways to square that 13 day difference. One is to begin the twelve days on Boxing Day. The other is to end with a Twelfth Night party on the Eve of Epiphany.
Time to take your decorations down- January 5th or 6th or Candlemas
However, we currently all agree that January 5th is the day to take down your Christmas decorations. If you fail to do it now, you have to keep them until Candlemas, which is on February 2nd. See my Candlemas post to see the official end of Christmas
Tomorrow I will look at Twelfth Night festivities.
Published 2024, revised 2025
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In.Spain, the 3 Kings Parade starts on January, 5th… A big celebration. They are the ones who bring presents to the children.
They’re very lucky as the tradition is still alive, so they get presents on Dec 25th AND on Jan, 6th!
Oh, Lord, I just realized that today is the 5th and I haven’t taken down my decorations. Since I live in the Americas (Southern California), maybe a Mayan or Aztec calendar will give me some wiggle room.
I’m sure you are covered by the great Atawallpa
What about this opinion? 40 days is also a very important number in the Christian Church so keeping them up until Candlemas makes sense! https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/christmas/leaving-up-christmas-decorations/#
Well, I would like to think that English Heritage took the text from my web site! Because also quote the Henrick poem and say much the same thing here:
Also you will find reference to a Tudor reference to Christmas continuing till Candlemas in most post on the Lord of Misrule, also in the post on Boy Bishops and in the letter in Persuasion by Jane Elliot which also refers to having to keep Christmas guests until Candlemas.
To sum it up, I think Christmas was around Christmas time, but Churches put down their nativity scenes and cribs on Candlemas, the Christmas Holidays ended at Candlemas for some schools. But for most people it was back to work on Plough Monday.