NOVEMBER 27th – NOVEMBER 30TH St Andrews

27th Eels This content has now been moved to how-to-take-eels-in-winter-eel-pies-and-islands-28th-november

28th November – Time to Wed before Advent

29th November To make a Dish of Snow This content is moved to Ice-houses-and-how-to-make-a-dish-of-snow/

30th November St Andrew’s Day

One of the first Apostles. It seems all Christian martyrs have to be killed in a different grizzly way and Andrew was martyred on a X-shaped cross. As he was formerly a simple fisherman so patron of fishermen.

Celebrate with a Haggis and a Whisky!

In Kent and Sussex Andrewtide gave the right to hunt squirrels, and in Hasted’s History of Kent (1782) it allowed the ‘lower kind’ to form a lawless rabble hunting any manner of hares, partridges and pheasants.

The sort of squirrel that might deserve hunting? Cheeky devil.