Here is a link to the And Did Those Feet Heritage Blog.
The Past brought to Life
Its now Monday and I can see that this is addictive or rather obsessive. I could spend all my time improving, developing, converting, tinkering. Remaking myself in my own image.
But then I would get no work done?
I have been putting off this moment for a long time. I maintained my old site using DreamWeaver but with the advent of responsive webs site and smart phones it was feeling its age.
The problem was (is) that the transfer from a technology which you are at home with to one that is new represents a colossal investment in time. The major block was how to load WordPress onto my webhost. I have delayed it and delayed it. Then a few months ago I found out it was easy. Didn’t do much on the new web site but came to the conclusion it wasn’t too difficult. This weekend I noticed how out of date my old web site was, and without any planning I bit the bullet, and this is, so far, the fruits of a weekend.
Here is a link to the And Did Those Feet Heritage Blog.