Posh Flat built above the Old Operating Theatre Museum

Appartment in Tower of St Thomas Church
Tower of St Thomas Church


The Old Operating Theatre Museum is in St Thomas Church, Southwark, part of the old St Thomas Hospital. The Church, built in 1703, by Thomas Cartwright has a fine baroque Tower, the top two chambers of which have been empty for many years. The conversion to a bijou pied a terre has been completed and details can be found in the link above.

Manifesto for free access to digital archives

The Passenger Pigeon Manifesto is a call for cultural institutions to open their digital archives for free use by the public. You can see the manifesto in the link below.


It would mean a loss of income from copyright for organisations who are already short of money but on the other hand it would help greatly increase access to our cultural heritage, and, it would help preserve these items, at least digitally, into the long distance future.

So, to my mind, a good thing. I’m trying to find out how to sign up.

Please note it is not asking for low quality reproduction but the high definition copies.

Robert Geffrye – Will He Fall?

Demonstrations at the Geffrye Museum after the Board refuse to remove the statue of the founder who made money from the slave trade.
Interesting developments to this story – the Government wrote to the Geffrye Museum telling them that it was not Government or Heritage England’s policy to remove statues. And in a possibly sinister move the Minister Oliver Dowden asked the Geffrye to consult the government on any move it made.

This seems to go to the heart of independence and a free country. Here is the government using its financial support to make sure independent organisations do what the government wants.

For more on this story, go here. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/jun/13/removal-of-controversial-statues-winston-churchill-protest

Protestors at the Geffrye Museum
This is an update on the subject